Let life surprise you

“If you deliberately plan on being less than you are capable of being, then I warn you that you’ll be unhappy for the rest of your life.”

- Abraham Maslow


I want to talk about something that I've struggles a lot with, and still do, on occasion, in my twenties, uncertainty.

We all definitely want to feel safe and we usually seek that safety through control. Knowing our next step in life, planning for the next 10 years and so on.

In itself, there's nothing wrong with that, because a life with no plan lacks purpose, at least how I see it.

However, holding a tight leash on life, can create tunnel vision, which sometimes, can make us miss out on the beauty of the unknown.

There is power in not knowing what comes next.

There is power in allowing the flow of life to guide you.

There is power in knowing that everything will fall apart, so that your life becomes a masterpiece.

Now, before you start freaking out because you think I'm telling you to throw away your well thought out life plan, that's actually not what I'm saying at all.

All I'm saying is, to be open to what may not fit into your plan, because it may very well surprise you.



I invite you to reflect on this :

Write a letter to myself, but 90 days from now. Write in the present tense. Where am I in life? What have I changed? What am I proud of? What have I accomplished?

When contemplating this question, I encourage you to really let your imagination run wild. Write about the things you're afraid to wish for out loud and let life surprise you.

For more journal prompts like these, you can click here.

PS -  I'd love to invite you to check out my latest program, "Healing is found in the emotions : A guide to Breaking Emotional Patterns", where I share my blueprint on how to NAVIGATE, CLEAR and TRANSMUTE repressed emotions!

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